Today is the first day of this conference. All conference, the exhibits open tomorrow. Sort of like a discotheque, the action is in the over flowing rooms.
Keynote is about bitcoin. It’s not just monetary value it’s an additional level of trust which may put you back in control of your digital data and digital life.
Watch here
Amazon will eat your lunch. Did you know that Amazon is one of the five largest software companies? Their AWS service books $10B annually. Amazon Prime is $5B annually. They are getting stronger in logistics. That business could be a $400B business for them. They are really smart.
Chris Kocher from Grey Heron lively presentation explains the how and the what’s next for Amazon. Smart man, good presentation. www.greyheron.com
Watch here
The reason to go to conferences and events is the surprise of who you are going to meet, seeing where are the crowds and you just don’t know if you don’t show up.