see periscode videos at LINK
Daniel Lubetzky
KIND cards
Real rewards, digital follow up
Celebrates person after they do KIND
KIND, build community
Connect social to business mission
Putting 2 KIND bars in the hand of KIND person
People celebrate one another
Monthly support one cause
Users can add their cause
Community votes, pledge small KIND act,
KIND people
How kind of you .com
KIND people . Com
Rewards to people who have stood out in their community
Mexican Jew, father holocaust survivor
65 products
11 sub categories
Professional accomplishments, proud but not satisfied
Ask questions, ask questions of yourself
Michael Schrage
The Innovators Hypothesis
Innovation, customers, who do you want your customers to become.
How to pose the right questions to enhance innovation.
Does US suck, yes.
Undervalued and underappreciated.
The content of the audience is the more important then the content of the talk.
He is a model guy.
Designs design fast and frugal high impact business experience to make innovation simpler safer
Revisit and realign what is it what we do to get a better return on resources
How does interaction with your brand measurable Le
I.e. change customer perceptions, behavior and expectations.
UX Transforms customers
Who do you want your customers to become?
Innovations are investment ins human capital capabilities creativity
Redesigning your customers n it just designing your products
Innovation a means to an end
Brand strategic planning UX
User experience
User centered design
Too in moment, not enough to in the future
Transaction is good, investment is bad
Brand to us to transformation
Real work examples
CHick fail A US challenge
Increase family experience call to transformation turn off your cellphones and get free dessert
Walmart do for customer for what you did for logistics
We don’t discriminate
LEGO it is still all about he brick
No it’s not, core brand for LEGO is about play
In digital world how to create new play?
Rid of old designers get new designers as play is changing
Beyond user experience in the moment re what’s trajectory of user experience in the next few years
30 minute timeline
Dominos became a tech company that happens to make pizza
Transforming user experience
Brand and user experience around technological capability
Intimacy at all have to go to bed dressed as an iPad
What Netflix transformation
Turned people into binge viewers
Transforming user expectations
How to create and manage expectations
New technology
New user expectation
New user experiences
What is customer transformation roadmap
Train teach trajectory test
Integrating incremental innovation into transformative UX
Aligning brand innovation and & UX
It’s all about. Culture
Culture has strategy for lunch, worry more about cultural
People don’t buy products they buy better versions of themselves?
The thing that got you there, throw it out, start over, that is a risk, Dominos
Modify culture in legacy organization, is hard, are you making your employees part of change process or partners? Employees feel they are value added contributors to the process. Cultural change from customer touch up, as from leadership down.
Gregg Renfrew
Innovation, better products into the marketplace.
Products which you put on your body, soaps, lotions, powders, etc.
Women, men, baby
EU banned 1400 ingredients from personal care products. US only 11.
Entrepreneur is a problem solver, where it is today, how we can do better tomorrow.
Share information
No regulation of these products, FDA isn’t keeping us safe, can’t take option on items which have hard full ingredients.
Pro commerce Pro innovation
Email to congress time for cosmetics reform
Social entrepreneurship is the wave of the future.
Mission safe products into the hands of everyone.
Direct retail model
THe digital transformation playbook
Updating your thinking and your way of leadership
Links shaft early power
Electric company changed factory for electrification
5 domains of digital transformation
Passive targets to dynamic networks
Now customer network model
How to engage customers
From products to platforms
Platform model
From silos to strategic asset
Data as source of value creation
Caesars, from loyalty program to complete view of they customer, what drives the most important people for them?
Not whales but regular repeat customer, a few times in the last few years, monitor behavior, influence
Needed innovation
Ron Johnson
Catastrophic 30% drop in sales
Ron is gone
Innovation as big bet, experimental approach is better.
Innovation by rapid experimentation
Generate ideas
Design and prototype & test
Customer response
Lower cost, faster time to market
From defending to adopt action
MET hired Sree Sreenivasen as cheif digital officer
Digital opens up new methods of storytelling
Me thinks it’s all about story telling at the end of the day.
Is Past Prologue? The History and Future of Brand Building
Shelly Lazarus, Ogilvy & Mather
Lew Frankfort, Coach
Russell DUbner, Edelman PR
Native do Etuk, YourGuru/ YG Studios
Lew Frankfort
Brand images in their mind
Success now and in the future where is she going to go
Unique and different, what is special
Best way to manifest through images and associations
Listening to consumers, wanting to reach product directly, so multichannel retailer.
Online, retail, catalog, etc.
Investing Early stage disruptive consumer facing brands
Flywheel, boutique, 7 studios
Ecosystem work share spare for millennialist, we work.
20 years ago shopping was #1 activity, now it’s not in the top 10 activity, no longer the passion at it was. Shopping 1 or 2 of customer activities in China.
Shelly Lazarus, Ogilvy
Brand single most important company asset.
Do brands need agencies? Agencies can hire different people, is size of agency, more creatives, source talent.
VIDEO Dove, drawing, beauty You are more beautiful then you think
Started from UNILEVER survey, Question, Do you think you a re beautiful? only 2-4% agree. Big viral, not product based but it’s gone to be a point of view.
Most watched piece of non paid for but earned MEDIA.
Experience, core value
Experience and entertainment
Ntiedo NT Etuk
YG Studios
Fitness and health, best trainers, umbrella for trainers brands, rent space and do marketing.
Intersection of personal and corporate brand.
Launch business what is your brand reputation, The person behind the company.
Indy business against main stream businesses
Groups of people who come together and think about brand
Nimble and fast
Be comfortable being uncomfortable
Sanders Trump supporters reply to authenticity
Trump as disruptor,
Gap in trust between informed and whole public
Reid Hoffman Stamford bLITZscaling course,
Brand and lead generation, product presented in the context as a brand always sells more.
Nirvana where the brand permeates the product, i.e. Nike products.
Brand as proxy for quality when there was no information
Now information is ubiquitous
Brands help you edit
Algorhythm – the future of brands Mitch JOEL, Mirium Agency
Three Little Pigs
2. Innovate
3. To transact
Who knows snapchat logo?
Image based
Mobile first, i.e. Better then desktop
It’s social
Snapchat shows 8bn videos a day so does FB, if FB bought Snapchat they would serve up 20Bn videos away which is YouTube numbers. That’s why FB offered them $3Bn in 2013
The internet like Google is like an elephant, it never forgets.
What do customers really need to own?
75mm users
100b hours
No more hard drives
Oh yeah and this…..
Paying for access vs ownership
Music streaming services exceed physical ownership
Technology has removed technology from technology
There isn’t an instruction manual for your iPhone, iPad, etc.
Technology easy to use, no instruction Manual needed.
Mobile has to be the ultimate experience
Mobile primary and PC ancillary device.
….it’s the little things…the create big changes,…think about how you distribute over content now.
The new revenue models over campaigns
Think one screen over which screen.
Think about really making an impression over impressions
Who’s Awesome
Cntl ALt Delete, Mitch Joel’s new book
Math joel.com
How to Market the Smart Home Donna Hoffman, George Washington School of Business.
“We have to go out to dinner the refrigerator isn’t speaking to the stove” cartoon caption.
Setting the Stage
Internet phase 1, Internet of information, “Noboby knows your a dog”
Internet phase 2, Social, Internet of People, “on the Internet everybody knows your a dog”
Internet phase 3, Post Social consumer experience of the assemblage, On the Internet of things nobody knows you’re a fridge.
Collection of everyday objects connected in the cloud and communicate with other devices.
Internet of things I going to be huge
250,000,000 connected cars
Samsung 100% IoT by 2020
$7.5b investment and 900 deals since 2010
Smart home has an adoption problem
16% own a connected device 4% own two or more.
6% use smart home tech
4% own one device
only 30% expected to by smart thermostats in next 5 years
Much lower rate of adoption for other smart home devices
3 barriers to smart home adoption
87% never heard of, don’t really know what it is
Price, security, privacy, and a loss of control, consumers are freaked out.
Why? Product value and performance, Value proposition missing. Device use is challenging.
Cracking the value code
Focus on individual products and use cases
Value is created by the interaction among devices
Smart home identity and consumer experience
Need a new framework.
New consumer experiences are emerging from interactions
As assemblage of heterogeneour parts
Interaction of entities greater then sum of the parts.
Interacts happen in pairs IF THEN
Consumer device
Device consumer
Device device
Use cases dominate current smart home marketing
Use cases don’t explain what can emerge
Awareness of energy usage
Safety and security
Control and convenience
My house really cares about me.
Interactions exchange of paired capabilities
One component pair with another
Home and consumer develop emergent capacities
Emergent smart home capacities
Emergent Consumer Capacities
Seven important I sites
A new Framework for COnsumer Experience in the IoT
Seven insights
1. Market from bottom up interactions, not just he top down, consumer create their own bottom up interactions
2. Everything you already understand, but more
Smart home is like the early iPad.
3. Encourage habitual repetition
4. Focus on predictable ambient interactions to build trust
5. Routines also need to be de-stabilized
Market formation and adoption
Consumer initial destabilization
Market initiated destabilization
Disruptive external destabilization
6. Pay Attention to emergent individual smart home identities
7. Personalization with Trump privacy
Benefits so great then will trade of privacy concerns.
More units, speed adoption.
Amazon, Echo, i.e. Alexa early smart home device, use Amazon DASH, etc.
ESPN: The Future is Live Vikram Somaya SVP Global Officer, ESPN
14% of live media was sports, NOW
93% is sports, future of live media is sports.
NEW ESPN Products
Lose the Shakepere, stick with American English.
News. Weather and sports, reuters, weather.com now sports
Data, marketing infrastructure
Steaming, time shifting
Sports fan internalizing sports information from many sources, medics, systems friends, stats, news.
What, where and how for all consumer activity on all ESPN sites
Sport, fan, location, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO BEHAVE
Every sport event which drives an emotional response. ESPN produces 5,000 live events a year.
Power of suggestion
Victory defeat, hope I disappointment sense of history despair
250 people stats and information dept.
Deep connectivity all platforms,
Marketing, Entertainment and Gen Z, Connecting with a new generation.
Richard Barry EVP/Chief GLobal Mdse Officer Toy “R” Us
Pam Kaufman CMO Nickelodeon Group
Michael Shore, VP & Head of Future Mattel
Donald A. Kurz Chairman & CEO Omelet
That’s Neseemuddeen Chief Strategy Officer, Omelet
Mobile only, everything on demand Gen Z born 1995-2010.
Gen Z is nickelodeons moment.
The Velcro family, kids have very strong relationships
Turtles bought and relaunched five years ago.
Parents and children, 30 year life, had when they were kids, reboot for their kids. Shared experience, priceless.
Multi cultural reinvent Mattel Barbie doll, fashionista brand, brand not a look, but as platform for play. Imagination and play, “Imagine the possibilities:. Purposefulness, line extension, advertising. It’s not your mothers Barbie.
“You can be anything” Barbie
Sell entertainment and imagination. Barbie allows those to be who they want to be.
Toys R Us and Star Wars, how to throw a global party for Star Wars. Start Wars Destination: Toy R Us. Toys YouTubers, large YouTube audiences, need emotional, authentic and message which can breath through. Nickelodeon using influencers. Content to experience in a game format and then watch. How to connect. Adopt content on different platforms. World is becoming more visual. New genres of content “in boxing” opens a new product. Other is “Watch them play”, esp mine craft. Kids watching kids play video games. Gen Z likes surprises. A 9 year old is till a 9 year old.
Authenticity and transparency and real
Codeapillar, caterpillar which teaches coding principals. From Fisher Price. Trying to get the STEMP principals to play.
Experience Why More Than Ever
Berns Schmitt, Columbia Business School
The New Reality: Marking Computing Truly Personal
Scott ERickson, General Manager, HoloLens, Microsoft
Not new features, new parodyme
Earlier then ALEXANDER Graham Bell, strings with cups,
1970’s cellular service starts.
Today we are selling billions of handsets, taking over from the PC.
Can personal computing evolve without changing the personal computer.
It’s mixed reality, hologram,
Natural interaction that allows for new ways to create, collaborate and communicate.
Hololens knows what you are looking at, like a curser, it follows your natural interaction. How to enhance the technology around us.
Using holographic experience to empower us in new ways. Overlays as to what you are looking.
Untethered computer, no wires. Sensors mapping your environment. Six cameras sending information to sensors, look through product, Holographic Processing unit. Understand gestures where you look at may your world in real time. Spatial sound is also important. Cool features, yes. Is it revolutionary?
Feature update or paradigm shift?
Hololens not VR doesn’t block the world but mix the world, reality with holographic overlay.
Technology understanding humanity
Here’s it changing the paradigm
Here’s to a new reality
Unity is one of content creation software developers, there are 6 or 7 other development tools. First version for developers cost is $3,000.