The Vogue for nerds at the beginning of the beginning of the personal computer era.
The following is from Al DiGuido’s Facebook post. Al was former publisher of Computer Shopper magazine. Link to story follows Al’s comments.
“I was honored to serve as publisher of Computer Shopper during its “glory years” ( Nine of them) at Ziff Davis. We had a front row seat for the rise of the direct market in PC products. I can assure you that CS was read by many of the most sophisticated buyers of PC products in business during its life in print. WE saw the internet coming before everyone else and built Computer Shopper Net Buyer…to take advantage of this shift in buying patterns. Today..that shopping engine lives within the CNET organization. Thanks to all of the great people that made Computer Shopper the world’s largest print magazine. We had alot of fun and made alot of companies ALOT of money during our ride.
Link to The Atlantic’s article “Ode to Computer Shopper.”
Ode to Computer Shopper Magazine

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