Travels with Charlie. its an interesting journey, Charlie’s philosophy is simple: Be fearless and unapologetic in the fierce pursuit of your goals and be just as passionate about helping people. Charlie’s day job is discovering the new and empowering clients to accomplish their goals. Its always interesting selling services to clients who don’t have degrees in what they are buying. But Charlie doesn’t do whats easy, she does whats right. Good for her.
Charlie’s company Served Fresh Media (in partnership with Tribeca Film Festival and The Hatchery) for Innovation Day 2016, featuring visionaries behind the mind-blowing technology that will power our lives in the very near future!
Every breakthrough is born in the imagination.
This special event (hosted by 2016 Tribeca Festival® Hub) will feature some of the most influential, provocative, and groundbreaking creative minds for an all-day summit on what happens when our wildest dreams become reality, and what that reality will be in the not-so-distant future. Experience, hands-on, the wonder and inspiration of new technologies (including artificial intelligence, virtual reality and more) as tech’s thought leaders reveal what is just beyond the horizon. The full day lineup (10:30am – 7:00PM) will include presentations, demonstrations and discussions on:
-> Tools of Creation: Reorienting Humanity’s Identity and Aspirations
-> From Metropolis to Her — Artificial Intelligence in Film and the Real World
-> World Without Wires — the potential for truly wireless power and the impact this technology will have on the world.
-> The Final Medium: Humans in the Machine
-> The Extreme Future of Medicine: From Prediction to Longevity
-> Virtual Reality in Sports: Immersive Performance Training and Immersive Entertainment
-> Daring to Dream, presented by Sir Richard Branson
-> A Journey Into Virtual Reality — attendees will experience immersive virtual reality as a talk by the masters of virtual reality (if you haven’t experienced live virtual reality, get ready for it at Imagination Day!).
Imagination Day Tribeca Film Festival Web Page https://imaginationday.splashthat.com/
USE 50% OFF DISCOUNT CODE: TFF75 (expires April 1)
33% discount code for AFTER April 1st through the day of the event: TFF100 for 33%