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Must read, Jay Samit’s Disrupt YOU!

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What do you win, when you win?

What do you win, when what you want to win, when its not what you know but a combination of what you know and knowing whats next.

As the Chinese say, “May you live in interesting times”. We do live in interesting times, its not your parents world anymore.

Jay Samit knows how to win and win again.

Jay Samit, has done it, both as an entrepreneur and a senior employee, and shares in his new book Disrupt You!….

Jay Samit is a magician. In more ways then one. Jay has unique focus about how to thrive and win in todays world. If you want to change your job or start or join a startup Jay words will both speed and make your path easier. Its already helping me with the startups I work with at SiliconAlley.com

Now you can learn the Tao of Jay. This is a reality check from one who has succeeded in NEW corporate and startup opportunities, moving towards new innovative businesses while driving revenue and liquidity events. Jay is one of those on the speed dials of those leading disruption, “I can’t do this deal without Jay Samit”.

to Amazon http://bit.ly/DisruptYOU

read what others say about Jay Samits Disrupt YOU!

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