Paris is the city of love, There are bridges, there is great light. Its ia a city born and stayed on a human scale. Its walls and roads, bridges, architecture, shops are built on a human scale and for the most part are the best of its type in the world. Its a place people visit alone, when in love when young and when in love when old. Visitors leave mementos on the gravestones of Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison and others, they also used to be able to leave a lock signifying their love for another together in Paris. The French bureaucracy has just done something incredibly stupid. They cut down and threw away thousands of locks from thousands of people’s mementos of their love. And the replaced it with a painting. The problem with bureaucracy is that its both faceless and unaccountable. I really wonder who is accountable. Perhaps if we knew before it happened that maybe there was a better solution. Perhaps a wall of locks by date so people on return visit to Paris can go and find their lock and maybe put another lock on the original one. What a powerful message to say love endures. What a great reason to visit Paris again to renew your love. Now its all gone. And one less reason to visit Paris. So careless. What a affront to Paris visitors love, to their visit. Replaced by a commercial piece of art. No art can replace the memories of the lovers, of their locks. Paris deserves better. So do lovers.